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(1 edit)

I am playing the game just fine. But the 2 main differences between me and Mousey are:
1.) I can follow directions to install the game.
2.) My PC is not a potato!
Hope she gets to play it, it might take technician Connor in order to install it for her! LOL

Well, I have added new downloading options if ever needed. Please let me know if you encounter any issues. Thanks for playing!

Hello there,

Mousy tried to download your game during her steam  today, did you  know? But, she has  had some trouble  with the download  for some reason. It´s through her  Stream that I became aware of your Fan game, cant wait to try my hands on it.

Yes, I noticed. Really sad she wasn't able to download it there. Still, at least the positive is I released a new version with improvements. Speaking of, please let me know if you experience any issues. As I am still a novice, your feedback would go a long way to help me refine both the game and to perfect my craft. 

You can count on it, If I find something, i´ll make sure to tell ya.

(3 edits)

Thank you so much for creating this wonderful gem of a game featuring our favorite little cute gremlin & I appreciate the creative stories you've made from pre-existing lore it's well done and fun. 

Will eagerly & carefully be watching if any new versions coming out or for when the next VShojo based game will be released. 

I wish you  good luck to your future gaming career and future game development projects, clearly if this is a sign of things to come it's going to be a great!

I donated to help support you and your future game projects and I will encourage others to do so as well, you definitely deserve it.

Thanks once again from a grateful new fan of yours now!


Thank you very much for picking up my game and for the generous support! I am still inexperienced so if you run into any issues, please let me know as I am actively updating the game based on feedback I receive. I hope you enjoy the experience and what is to come in the future!